JKR Sarawak terminates contracts of 22 sick projects to expedite completion with rescue contractors

Uggah presenting his ministerial winding-up speech during DUN on Nov 29, 2023. Photo credit: Ukas

By Ashley Sim

KUCHING, Nov 29: The Sarawak Public Works Department (JKR) has taken decisive action by terminating the contracts of 22 sick projects across the State — 16 of which were State-funded and six of which were Federal.

Deputy Premier of Sarawak Datuk Amar Douglas Uggah Embas told the august House that the action was taken to reduce the number of critically delayed projects and to ensure that the projects can be completed within the stipulated time frame.


“15 of these terminated works have been revived through the appointment of rescue contractors while the remaining seven are in the pre-contract stage.

“As of today, there are 21 critically delayed projects, consisting of five State-funded and 16 Federal, compared to 34 reported during the last State Legislative Assembly (DUN) sitting.

“This is a stark decrease from a peak of 98 critically delayed projects identified in June 2022,” he said when presenting the ministerial winding-up speech during the Second Meeting for the Second Term of the 19th DUN, which was held at the DUN complex here today.

Uggah, who is also Bukit Saban assemblyman, remarked that his ministry will continue to closely monitor all projects to ensure that they are completed expeditiously. — DayakDaily
