It’s blood and sweat: Political pundit debunks notion of Sarawak’s success being serendipity

Dato Peter Minos

By DayakDaily Team

KUCHING, June 6: Sarawak’s prosperity isn’t a product of mere chance or luck but rather the outcome of dedicated effort, meticulous planning and effective leadership, says political pundit Dato Peter Minos.

He said there are those from Peninsular Malaysia who believed that Sarawak’s achievements and rapid progress in the last few years have been due to sheer luck, which has not be true.


“I say it has nothing to do with luck. Success does not come from luck. It has been a lot of hard work, good strategic planning, wise and able leadership. Nothing to do with luck.

“For every project, from a road to water supply, from electricity to solar, from one new industry to another and so on, there is a lot of thinking and planning. I can see it with the ART (Autonomous Rapid Transit) project in Kota Samarahan, where many people are involved and have put in a lot of hard tedious work.

“Those who say it is due to good luck are either dreamers, are jealous or envious of Sarawak or out to put Sarawak down,” said Minos, who is also Kota Samarahan Municipal Council (MPKS) chairman.

Minos underscored the proactive approach taken by Sarawak’s leadership, particularly Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri Abang Johari Tun Openg, in seeking innovative ideas globally and implementing them for Sarawak’s advancement.

To those who questioned Sarawak’s demand for funding from the Federal government, he said Sarawak is only asking for what it is legally entitled to under the Malaysia Agreement 1963 (MA63), the Federal Constitution and other laws and nothing more.

He held that there must be realisation that Sarawak has been left behind in many aspects of development compared to Peninsular Malaysia. This is, to him, “time to get things done and to catch up”.

“There is thus no time or place to be envious or jealous of Sarawak. Economic success for Sarawak is in fact a good thing for Malaysia for it must be our nation’s policy to be fair and just to all regardless of race or religion or region,” said Minos. — DayakDaily
