Housewife in Miri wonders if young intruder is a panty thief

A policeman and an RC member at the scene.

By Brad Rantayy

MIRI, Jan 17: Like everyone else, a housewife who lives in a residential area in Luak here hangs her family’s underwear on the clothesline after washing.

But for the past several weeks, panties have gone missing from the clothesline.


So that got the housewife wondering if they had been stolen.

However, an incident that happened this morning may just be the answer she is seeking.

The housewife woke up around 1am and walked towards her kitchen. Suddenly, she spotted a stranger staring at her through a window of her house.

“I rushed outside to confront him,” she told police, adding that the intruder was a teenager.

“He fled after I asked him what he was doing in my house.”

The woman, worried about her family’s safety, immediately called up the police. Members of the Resident Committee (RC) Pujut and Piasau also rushed to the woman’s house when the alarm was raised.

When help arrived, the intruder was no longer in sight.

Was the teenager a panty thief? The mystery continues. — DayakDaily
