Heterologous vaccination talk of Sibu town

File photo depicting syringes filled with the Pfizer-BioNTech Covid-19 vaccine.

SIBU, Nov 3: Amid doubts of heterologous (mix and match) vaccination, those who have received it, claims no serious side effects.

Talks are still ongoing around town among residents on the safety of the third booster shot. There are those who despite receiving notification of their appointment, have put it on hold.

63-year-old Ha Sui Ding who had her heterologous booster shot of Pfizer-bioNTech at the Civic Centre Vaccination Centre on Oct 31, said she had only experienced minor side effects three days later.


Her first two inoculations involved Sinovac which she received on June 15 and July 6.

“I felt minor pain in the my and was quite sleepy that morning. Other than that I do not have any other side effect,” said the singleton.

Ha said she was much relieved after the booster shot as she felt better protected if infected with Covid-19.

A retiree, Roy Ting, 62 whose appointment falls on November 10, however preferred to have the same vaccine for the booster dose.

“I have Sinovac for my first two doses and will go for booster dose if I’m given the same vaccine,” he said, adding that he had just received his appointment for the booster dose today through MySejahtera

“I will go to the vaccination centre on November 10. If the vaccine is not according to my first two doses, then I will wait until it is available. It is true that there are others who have heterologous booster dose and have not experienced serious side effect, but I prefer to take precaution,” he said.

A school headmistress surnamed Ting said her brother had advised her 80-year-old mother to receive the same vaccine for the third shot.

“My brother is against her receive mix-and-match vaccines but to go for the same one which is Sinovac,” she said.

Social activist, Hii Tiong Huat 70, has a different preposition. Hii is neither against heterologous vaccination nor homologous immunisation.

“I am not against any type of vaccine for the booster shot but I want to know whether booster dose is necessarily or not. The relevant authority needs to convince me first,” he said. — DayakDaily
