Haze alert:  Sarawak enjoying moderately healthy air quality this morning

API readings from the Department of Environment (DOE) indicate that various areas in the State maintain good to moderate air quality. File Photo

KUCHING, Aug 16:  Sarawak is enjoying moderately healthy air quality as of 11am this morning.

Even the air pollution index (API) of Industrial Training Institute (ILP) Miri which has been hazardous for the last 12 days, has declined and registered a moderate healthy API of 91.

The API readings showed that ILP Miri still suffered from hazardous air quality yesterday afternoon where the API peaked at 6pm but started to go down at 7pm.  


By 10am this morning, it had dropped to below 200 and this morning as of 11am, the API stays at moderately healthy level of 91.

Meanwhile, Sri Aman which has been experiencing unhealthy air quality last two days, registered unhealthy API yesterday but started to get better as of 8pm last night.  

This morning, Sri Aman showed a very much improved API reading of 60. 

As of 11am, the API readings of various parts of Sarawak were as follows:

Towns and cities API
Limbang  54
ILP Miri  91
Miri  59
Samalaju 60
Bintulu 60
Mukah 53
Kapit 54
Sibu 59
Sarikei 67
Sri Aman  60
Samarahan  74
Kuching  76
Kuala Baram 64


API of 0-50 indicates good air quality; 51- 100 is considered moderate; 101-200, unhealthy; 201-300, very unhealthy and above 300, hazardous. — DayakDaily
