Hardcore poor households in Sarawak drop to 3,571 as of July 2024

Fatimah speaking during the Sarawak Women's Day 2024 celebration streamed live via Ukas Facebook page on Aug 10, 2024.

By DayakDaily Team

KUCHING, Aug 10: Households in Sarawak deemed hardcore poor have gone down to 3,571 as of July this year.

According to Minister of Women, Childhood and Community Wellbeing Development Sarawak, Dato Sri Fatimah Abdullah, it is a decrease from 30,346 registered in January 2023.


“Together, the Sarawak District Office (SDO) and my Ministry will continue to verify the eligibility of those listed under e-Kasih, and those who have yet to receive the assistance will be included.

“By the end of this year, we will get the full verification list for e-Kasih,” she said during the Sarawak Woman’s Day 2024 celebration streamed live via the Sarawak Public Communication Unit (Ukas) Facebook page today.

On the same note, Fatimah said the Sarawak Social Wellbeing Index (SSWI) also has increased from 6.21 in 2019 to 7.18 in 2023.

She said the increase is the result of social innovation by the Sarawak government’s policies to empower women under social inclusivity, which is listed as one of the pillars in the Post Covid-19 Development Strategy (PCDS) 2023.

“We are confident that all forms of social innovation through various initiatives by the Sarawak government have contributed to an increase in household income and lifted them out from the poverty level,” she added. — DayakDaily
