GPS not ‘seasonal party’, always been there to serve the people — Dennis

Dennis (sixth left) symbolically handing over the roofing to the residents of Long Bemang.

By Jaythaleela K

MIRI, Sept 19: Gabungan Parti Sarawak (GPS) is not a ‘seasonal party’ which emerges only when an election is approaching, but instead has consistently served the rakyat regardless of whom, what and where they are.

“We rolled up our sleeves right after we won the State election and non-stop tried all ways to bring better living to our community,” said Telang Usan assemblyman Dennis Ngau yesterday.


He added, Sarawak is blessed to have GPS as the ruling government reaching out to the rakyat to implement various development projects regardless of where they live, even if situated far deep in the rural areas.

Dennis said this when met at Rumah Panjang Long Bemang Sungai Apoh, after presenting building material to help residents build their longhouse yesterday.

A total 84 families out of the 100 ‘bilik’ from the old block of the 275-door Rumah Panjang Long Bemang Sungai Apoh received new spandec roofing, capping ridges and nails under the Minor Rural Project programme ‘Penambahbaikan Rumah Rakyat Miskin Sarawak’ (MRP –MPRMS 2021).

Since the programme started in 2019, several longhouses and needy families have benefitted from projects to repair their homes while other projects have provided better living conditions for communities all over the Telang Usan constituency.

Dennis disclosed that based on records, the value of assistance given to Long Bemang folks as residents of the village with the biggest population under this programme totalled more than RM200,000 with more than a thousand individuals estimated to have directly benefited.

“This is one of the rakyat-centric projects, another brain child of our Chief Minister Datuk Patinggi Abang Johari Tun Openg who continuously and tirelessly seeks ways to ensure Sarawakians enjoy continuous good living. Those among us who deserve government help will not be missed out,” he said.

Under this initiative, Dennis added, State assemblymen representing the State government have the opportunity to help underprivileged citizens in their respective constituency who approached them for help.

“With the special fund available, the ‘wakil rakyat’ could decide based on merits who should be given assistance with the allocated budget without having to refer to other agencies for help,” he pointed out. — DayakDaily
