Good for Bidayuh community to unite under PBB

Dato Peter Minos

By Peter Sibon

KUCHING, Oct 25: It would be ideal for the Bidayuh community to join Parti Pesaka Bumiputera Bersatu (PBB) en bloc as this will make them politically strong like the Melanaus, said political observer Dato Peter Minos.

“It would be good for the Bidayuhs if all the eight Bidayuh majority state’s constituencies are in PBB. This is the best and ideal. That will be a political unity since we are too small to be disunited and in many political parties.


“Be like the Melanaus, all of they do very well. United we stand even if we are small. Disunited and small, that is creating a doomsday,” Minos told DayakDaily today.

He was commenting on Mambong assemblyman Datuk Dr Jerip Susil’s admission into PBB yesterday.

“It is wise of him. It is also high time for him too as he cant’s go on partyless. But (we) hope that he will not change his mind again because people do not like politicians jumping parties,” he added.

Meanwhile, PBB Mambong acting chairman Datuk Detta Samen welcomed Dr Jerip into the party as it was the unanimous decision of the party’s top leadership to accept him.

“But we leave it to Chief Minister Datuk Patinggi Abang Johari Tun Openg whether he will stand in the coming state election as the seat traditionally belongs to SUPP (Sarawak United Peoples’ Party),” he said.

When asked how the grassroots view Dr Jerip’s admission into the party, Detta replied: “That you have to ask them because this is a top party’s decision.”

On the winnability of Dr Jerip if fielded, Detta reiterated that it would be difficult to gauge the sentiment on the ground due to the many political parties especially Pakatan Harapan (PH) which have shown interest in capturing the seat.— DayakDaily
