Glamping at Borneo Highlands: Let the grass and sky rejuvenate your soul

An amazing sunrise over Borneo Highlands. Photo by DayakDaily

By Ling Hui

KUCHING, March 1: It felt surreal to be in this place, where time stands still, and the simplicity of grass and sky stirs your soul.

Endless seas of green stretch as far as the eye can see. The horizon, a distant mirage where the earth meets the sky, seems to recede into infinity, inviting the imagination to wander and explore the mysteries that lie beyond.


Towering pine and oak trees stand sentinel, and their branches sway gracefully in the gentle breeze. Pink pagoda flowers, yellow creeping daisies, fireweeds, and Bamboo orchids dot the expanse, adding splashes of colour to the canvas of green.

As you stand amidst the vast landscape, you feel as though you are but a mere speck who couldn’t help feeling a sense of awe and being mesmerised by the breathtaking views unlike any other.

The Swan Lake at Borneo Highlands.

This beauty that transcends descriptions and images exists only about a one-and-a-half hours’ drive from Kuching City at Borneo Highlands Resort, the only hilltop resort in Sarawak presently.

While the estate is currently closed to the public, seasonal glamping trips organised by local startup Borneo Glamping open doors to enthusiasts who would like to experience Borneo Highlands in person.

On a recent weekend, DayakDaily hit the road and went on one of these glamourous camping events up at Borneo Highlands, which was led by Borneo Glamping founders Awang Saifeluddin and Shenton Tan—two energetic chaps who would go to great lengths to provide the comfort and luxury their guests deserve.

Hot showers, clean toilets, and charging ports are some of the things that they insisted on offering to all glampers despite the amount of work required for them to set up and also maintain.

Glamping at Borneo Highlands was an out-of-the-world experience.

Time seems to pass by slower when you’re away from your gadgets. You find yourself having too much time on your hands and you start enjoying the little things you do—picking acorns under the oak trees, tasting freshly brewed coffee, listening to the whispered secrets of the grasses and trill of hidden birds, strolling around the compound, or simply being in the moment with family and friends.

After some time, you don’t mind the occasional drizzle anymore or the mud on your feet; you feel accustomed to the cool weather, and you learn to see the pattern of the mist because you’re closer to nature than ever, and that was why you came in the first place.

Aerial view of Glamping Festival held at Borneo Highlands in 2023.

As Borneo Glamping is only beginning to make its name, Awang and Tan promised to bring more to the table as they continue to enhance the glamping experiences while working closely with the Borneo Highland Residents’ Club (BHRC) to revamp some of the old attractions such as the nursery, pasture, and golf course.

Kayaking, visiting the Kalimantan border, having a shower or picnicking at the waterfall, and watching the sunrise are other popular leisure activities that must not be missed by any Borneo Highlands visitor.

Everything seemed and felt different at Borneo Highlands. The air was fresher; the wind was gentler; the grasses were greener, and I assure you, once you’ve been to Borneo Highlands, you’d beg to go back there again. — DayakDaily
