GE14: PBDSB says will give way to DAP in Bintulu


KUCHING, Nov 23: Parti Bansa Dayak Sarawak Baru (PBDSB) will not stand at Bintulu in order to pave way for Democratic Action Party (DAP) to have a straight fight against incumbent Datuk Seri Tiong King Sing from Barisan Nasional (BN) Sarawak component party Progressive Democratic Party (PDP).

Its Youth wing chief Rapelson Richard Hamit said he was informed by PBDSB president Cobbold John during a meet-up last week that the party will give way to DAP strongman and Dayak Consultative Council chairman Dr John Brian or another candidate to have a straight fight with Tiong.

The party hopes that DAP will reciprocate by paving a smooth way for Cobbold to have a straight fight with Datuk Masir Kujat in Sri Aman.


PBDSB has also decided to give way for Parti Keadilan Rakyat’s Vernon Kedit in Betong and Ali Biju in Saratok.

“We will collaborate with PKR and DAP for seat allocation, otherwise they will accuse us as a vote splitter,” Rapelson said.

Meanwhile, the PBDSB Youth wing chief said he agreed with the critical view expressed by PBDSB supreme council member Pok Ungkut over Tiong’s ‘statement calling on his constituents not to attend the recent Nov 13 native customary rights (NCR) rally.

Rapelson likened Tiong to a ‘defensive midfielder’ in football, ‘running around within the perimeter but not in position as a goal scorer’.

He said it was Tiong’s obligation to protect the lands and its people within his parliamentary constituency as the people of Bintulu had given him a mandate as their MP.

“Nothing to be proud of helping Bintulu folks. It was his job. Is he demanding something in return?” Rapelson said.

He accused Tiong of only worrying about his MP position and the latter’s stand on NCR  is just a political gimmick.

“I think Tiong is trying to challenge other Dayak YBs to turn up and support the natives affected by the NCR dilemma.

“But he is not the right person to say so. He has no credibility and capability to change the situation. He is not an ADUN or even a minister. He is just PDP president and Malaysian Special Envoy to South East Asia, China, Korea and Japan who had the ears of Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak”, claim Rapelson.

” It is better for him to take care of his party seats. In the last state election he lost Batu Danau and Bekenu to PBB,” he added.

In the last state elections, Paulus Palu Gumbang (Batu Danau) and Rosey Yunus (Bekenu) won their respective seats after resigning from Parti Tenaga Rakyat Sarawak (Teras) to stand for election as direct BN candidates. They joined PBB after their wins.

Teras was formed as a BN-friendly party by former Sarawak Progressive Democratic Party (SPDP) leaders. SPDP is now officially known as PDP.

