GE14: New political alliance joins the fray

State Reform Party (STAR) Sarawak president Lina Soo

KUCHING, Jan 7: Gabungan Rakyat Saksama (SAKSAMA), a political alliance of political parties, NGOs, civil liberty movements and individuals throughout the country, will participate in the 14th general election.

In a press statement today, SAKSAMA says it offers voters a third choice, other than Barisan National (BN) and Pakatan Harapan (PH).

“Choosing between voting for Barisan National and Pakatan Harapan does not offer the voter any real option or choice. In essence, voters are only offered a choice between UMNO or ex-UMNO,ā€ said the statement jointly issued by State Reform Party (STAR), Malaysia United Peopleā€™s Party (MUPP), Pertubuhan Perpaduan Rakyat Kebangsaan Sabah (PERPADUAN)and Party Sejahtera Angkatan Perpaduan Sabah (SAPU).


“SAKSAMA is the middle ground. When voters are offered two extreme positions which donā€™t benefit ordinary people like you and me especially for Sarawak and Sabah, SAKSAMA offers hope that a new political re-alignment will address the inconsistency, conflict and disparity which we are suffering from today.

“SAKSAMA seeks kingmaker status which it can leverage upon to extract the best benefits for the electorate and population. In a hung parliament where neither side can form the federal government, SAKSAMA with its kingmaker seats can determine the political future and destiny of Sarawak, Sabah and Malaya.”

It says the essence SAKSAMA means fairness and equality ā€“ between Sarawak, Sabah and Malaya which subscribes to the basic principle of three equal partners in the Federation of Malaya as enshrined in the Malaysia Agreement 1963.

The political agenda of SAKSAMA is to re-align the political landscape of the nation of which its core agenda is to re-distribute and restructure political power, revenue and resources equitably and fairly amongst all three political entities, as is its intent, purpose and vision when the Federation was established on Sept 16, 1963.

“Malaysia is facing a confidence crisis. The nation is weak, fearful and stuck in an outdated rut. The people are denied the democratic process of meaningful participation in elections.

“Especially when it comes to political concerns and future of Sarawak and Sabah, it has been proven that Sarawak and Sabah are ignored, dominated and exploited again and again:

(1) Article 1(2) of the Federal Constitution ā€“ A354 Sec 2
(2) Petroleum Development Act
(3) Territorial Sea Act 2012 ā€“ Act 750.”

Other than campaigning for MA63, the alliance said they will unveil their strategy as they move forward. ā€” DayakDaily
