Froggy politicians lack credibility, gives bad impression to rakyat

Dr Ong (left) briefing Abdul Karim (second left) on the SOP of sports and recreational facilities at the Pandelela Rinong Aquatic Centre here today.

By Adrian Lim

KUCHING, June 15: Youth and Sports Minister Datuk Abdul Karim Rahman Hamzah believed politicians who jumped from one political party to another political party have no credibility.

He opined that those politicians known as froggy politicians are giving the people a bad impression and left a bad stigma to the public.


Unlike certain politicians from the opposition parties, Abdul Karim asserted that politicians from Gabungan Parti Sarawak (GPS) have integrity and remain loyal to the party.

“It is not easy to dangle a carrot in front of (GPS politicians) them. I have seen so many politicians jumping here and there. Dangle sikit (a bit of goodies), and most of them would jump.

“But, personally, there must have been something that drives them to jump (from one political party to another).

“Not many politicians want to become (political) frogs.

“Because when you are called a froggy politician, it comes with a very bad stigma whereby the politician will be seen as having no credibility,” he told a press conference here.

He was asked by reporters whether the political scenario for political parties from Peninsular Malaysia would happen in Sarawak.

Abdul Karim added GPS politicians whether they are MPs or assemblymen will not be easily persuaded to jump ship to another political party.

He stressed that GPS politicians have built a strong culture and sense of credibility which is not easily tempted by money or positions.

“That is the culture that we have built in Sarawakian politics and that is what makes us feel so proud.

“That builds up your credibility,” Abdul Karim who is Asajaya assemblyman added.

Abdul Karim believed there are some politicians in Peninsular Malaysia who are power crazy and like to put their self-interest ahead of the nation.

Therefore, he noted their self-interest has caused the country to experience political instability and uncertainty.

Abdul Karim was asked to comment on the current psychological war between former Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (Bersatu) chairman Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad and Bersatu president Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin who is the current prime minister.

In the meantime, Abdul Karim who is Tourism, Arts and Culture Minister has strong faith in the leadership of Muhyiddin.

He believed Muhyiddin who led the Perikatan Nasional (PN) federal government will be able to improve the country’s economy and tackle the Covid-19 pandemic.

He observed that the Malaysian public has gradually accepted and appreciates what Muhyiddin has done over the past three months to improve the country’s economy.

Thus, he urged the people to give the PN federal government some time to address the country’s economic challenges and steer the country forward.

Apart from that, Abdul Karim opined that politicians from both sides of the divide should battle it out during the next general election rather than entangling themselves in psychological war which caused political uncertainty to the country.

Meanwhile, the press conference was organised by the Youth and Sports Ministry on the standard operating procedure (SOP) for the opening of sports and recreational facilities in Sarawak.

Among those present at the press conference were Youth and Sports Assistant Minister Datuk Snowdan Lawan, Youth and Sports Ministry permanent secretary Frederick Tan and Sarawak Sports Corporation chief executive officer Dr Ong Kong Swee. —DayakDaily
