Alternative Limbang-Lawas road would ‘free’ residents — Dayak NGO

Bobby William

By Peter Sibon

KUCHING, June 15: The federal government needs to urgently build a road to connect Limbang and Lawas with Miri to avoid the northern region becoming a ‘prison’ for Malaysians living there, according to Dayak Rights Action Force (DRAF) spokesman Bobby William.

He stressed that due to the restricted movement order in force to curb Covid-19, residents in the two areas are facing difficulties in traveling through Brunei as its borders are not officially open.


“And if we take a flight, it is too expensive and very limited seats are available,” Bobby told DayakDaily today.

According to him, the cost of a return trip between Limbang and Miri is RM322.

As such he hoped that the federal government will come up with a timeframe to construct the connecting road linking Miri with the two towns in the northern region.

“We really need the alternative road to travel from Lawas and Limbang and Miri without going through Brunei. It is high time we have our own road,” he highlighted.

Originally from Sri Aman but now staying in Limbang, Bobby hoped that the road could materialise in the near future.

“The federal government must look at the needs of the people of Limbang and Lawas seriously especially when we are facing emergency (sic) issues like the current Covid-19 pandemic,” he added.

Recently, Deputy Transport Minister Hasbi Habibollah and Assistant Minister of Agriculture, Native Land and Regional Development Datuk Dr Abdul Rahman Ismail have highlighted the need for Sarawak to have a road connected both Limbang and Lawas without going through Brunei. — DayakDaily
