Four imported Covid-19 cases in Sarawak increases tally to 1,114

The statistic of the Covid-19 situation in Sarawak as of Dec 29, 2020

By: Karen Bong

KUCHING, Dec 29: Four returnees to Sarawak tested positive for Covid-19 today with two cases in Kuching and one each in Sibu and Betong.

The four new imported cases increased the state tally of positive cases to 1,114.


The State Disaster Management Committee (SDMC), in a statement today, revealed that Case 1,111 involved a local woman who had returned from Johor via Senai International Airport to Sibu Airport on Dec 26.

Upon arrival, she had undergone rT-PCR tests which returned positive on Dec 28. She was with nine family members who were all ordered to observe home quarantine for 14 days in Betong with wristbands issued.

She was asymptomatic and is currently isolated and treated at Sibu Hospital. Investigation found that she could have been infected in Johor. Contact tracing is currently underway.

In Sibu, Case 1,112 involved a local man who returned from Kuala Lumpur via KL International Airport to Sibu airport on Dec 27. He was screened and the result returned positive on Dec 29.

He was also ordered to observe mandatory home quarantine with wristband issued. The case is now isolated and treated at Sibu Hospital.

Investigation is still ongoing while contract tracing is actively being carried out.

Case 1,113 involved a local man who returned from Liberia, Africa on Dec 26 to Kuching. He had taken swab tests four times, the last one was on Dec 20 before returning to Malaysia and the RTK Antigen test in KLIA showed non-reactive for Covid-19.

Before proceeding his journey to Kuching, the case had spent two nights at the departure hall of KLIA-1 and upon arrival in Kuching International Airport (KIA) on Dec 26, he was screened and quarantined at a centre before the result returned positive on Dec 28.

Case 1,114 involved a local man who returned from Johor on Dec 25. He was screened and quarantined at a centre before the test returned positive on Dec 28. Contact tracing for the case is being actively conducted.

Both cases were asymptomatic and are now isolated and treated at Sarawak General Hospital (SGH).

Meanwhile, Sarawak recorded two recoveries with the patients having been discharged from SGH and Miri Hospital. Thus, the total number of recovered cases in Sarawak has increased at 1,064 or 95.51 per cent of total positive cases so far.

With additional four cases, the total of patients receiving treatment in hospitals in the state is now 29, with 14 in SGH and five each in Sibu, Miri and Bintulu hospitals.

Meanwhile, Kuching, Sibu, Bintulu and Lawas remained as yellow zones with a total of five local cases reported in the past 14 days.

There were four more persons-under-investigation (PUI) reported with no cases pending laboratory test results.

SDMC updated that 271 more persons-under-surveillance (PUS) have registered into identified hotels to undergo quarantine.

As of today, there were a total number of 3,592 individuals undergoing quarantine in 42 hotels and quarantine facilities throughout the state. — DayakDaily
