Former DAP Sarawak veep: Party chief has no political will to fulfil GE14 election promises

From left: Kong, Wee, Chong and Wong

By Lian Cheng

KUCHING, Nov 19: Former Democratic Action Party (DAP) Sarawak vice president Wong King Wei has testified that 22 months of Pakatan Harapan administration is enough for DAP Sarawak to fulfil its 14th General Election promises, but its chief Chong Chieng Jen has “no political will to do so”.

Wong said this while testifying in the Kuching High Court for the plaintiff in the defamation case brought about by Sarawak Chinese Federation president Dato Richard Wee against Chong’s special assistant Michael Kong which was in session via Zoom platform today. 


“The 22-month (of PH administration) is enough for those promises to be delivered because it was clearly conveyed to the Chinese community that the recognition of UEC is to be immediately implemented. 

“It was also stated by Chong in DUN Sarawak (Sarawak Legislative Assembly) that 20 per cent oil royalty and 50 per cent tax revenue collected would be given to Sarawak without Sarawakians having to beg. And these were presented to the Chinese community that it (the whole package of promises) was going to happen immediately (once elected).

“And 22 months was sufficient for other promises to be delivered such as abolishment of GST (goods and services tax). The Chinese community has lost patience on why those promises that concerned all Sarawakians have not been fulfilled in time,” said Wong.  

The Padungan incumbent said the Chinese community had held strongly onto the election promises made by DAP Sarawak during the previous campaign period and these promises had convinced them to vote for the party.   

Wong said after DAP had formed the government at the Federal level, the Chinese community “generally reacted quite aggressively for the non-fulfillment of the election promises” that had been made by the DAP as these promises were promised to take immediate effect, as repeatedly stressed by DAP candidates during the GE14 campaign period.

“As I said, Chong had conveyed to me that those promises will not be fulfilled. It is not about whether time is to be given but what I can see is that there is no political will to fulfil such promises on the part of Chong,” said Wong.

On his reason to resign from DAP Sarawak, he reiterated that it was out of disappointment and the fact that he wanted to focus on his career. 

The reason for his resignation was not about him intending to join other parties, he said.

“As I said, DAP is the only party that I love and I did not join any political party after my resignation. I quit politics because of my disappointment and I want to concentrate on my legal career.

“There is no reason for me to support SUPP (Sarawak United Peoples’ Party) or whichever party other than DAP. What Chong Chieng Jen put to me saying that I am giving evidence to support SUPP is without basis,” said Wong.  

He said Chong’s statement claiming that he had resigned due to his “personal behaviour which the party cannot tolerate” was to mislead the court. 

He argued that if the statement was true, Chong would not have contacted him the next day to ask him to reconsider his decision.

Wee has filed a defamation suit against Kong over an alleged defamatory statement on social media which was authored and published by Kong on July 21, 2020 on the latter’s Facebook page. He was represented by counsels Shankar Ram Asnani, Russell Lim and Yu Ying Ying while Kong was represented by his counsels Chong and Sim Kiat Leng. — DayakDaily
