Foreign fishing boat and crew detained for suspected illegal fishing near Tanjung Manis

The fishing vessel which was seized for suspected illegal fishing in state waters.

TANJUNG MANIS, June 28: Law enforcers seized a foreign fishing boat and arrested five crew members two days ago for suspected illegal fishing.

According to Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency (MMEA) Sarawak director First Admiral (Maritime) Robert Teh Geok Chuan in a statement today, during an operation on June 26, a foreign fishing boat was spotted carrying out fishing activity about 119 nautical miles north of Tanjung Sirik near here.

“A total of five crew including the ‘juragan’ who were Indonesians were inspected. All of them failed to produce personal identification document when requested,” he added.


The vessel was seized and its crew detained under the Fisheries Act 1985 and Immigration Act 1959/63.

The suspects aged between 25 and 37 were later taken to the Tanjung Manis Boat Terminal and tested for Covid-19 by the Tanjung Manis Port Health Officer.

Teh highlighted MMEA is always working to improve security controls and patrolling operations in the country’s water to ensure the safety of ships and boats plying national waters.

He also appealed to the public with any information on suspicious activity on state waters to contact 999 or the state maritime operations centre at 082-432544. — DayakDaily
