Five local men arrested after brawl erupts over gambling at Jalan Song entertainment centre

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By DayakDaily Team

KUCHING, April 2: Five local men between the ages of 28 and 60 were apprehended by the police following a fight that occurred at an entertainment centre along Jalan Song on March 30 at 11pm.

In a statement issued today, Kuching District Police Chief ACP Ahsmon Bajah said the suspects were apprehended by the D7 police team of Kuching district police headquarters (IPD Kuching) Criminal Investigation section on Jalan Wan Abdul Rahman around 8.30pm yesterday (April 1).


He revealed the initial investigation determined that the fight was caused by a misunderstanding while the suspects were gambling.

“The gambling paraphernalia was confiscated, and the case will be investigated under the Open Gambling House Act of 1953,” he added.

Ahsmon also stated that the investigation will be conducted under Section 147 of the Penal Code for rioting, which provides for prison sentences, fines, or both.

“The results of the urine screening of all the suspects were found to be negative for drugs and three of them each have a previous record for the offence of the Open Gambling House Act 1953,” he added.

Ahsmon urged the public to come forward and report information about the incident by contacting the Kuching IPD control at 082-244444 or any nearby police station.

“People are also advised not to get involved in any illegal activity,” he added. — DayakDaily
