Five accomplices nabbed for assaulting elderly man in Miri

Police seized the suspects' motorcycles.

MIRI, June 19: Five men who attacked an elderly man on Wednesday night and leaving him with serious bodily injuries were detained by the police, less than 24 hours after the incident.

The suspects, aged between 21 to 33, were detained by Miri Criminal Investigation department (CID) on Thursday night during an operation carried out following a police report lodged by the 51-year-old victim.

Miri police chief ACP Lim Meng Seah disclosed that the suspects were picked up from various locations within the city centre, including Kampung Sealine in Lutong.


In the operation which started from 6.30 pm to 8 pm, the suspects’ motorcycles were also seized.

Lim said that the assault took placed nearby a residential area in Senadin on June 17 at around 8.20 pm.

“The victim and a friend were riding on a motorcycle on their way home from Kuala Baram after collecting some jungle produce at the area when suddenly their motorcycle was intercepted by the suspects,” he said.

He said the suspects, who were riding on three motorcycle, were believed to have confronted the victim and accused him of being involved in a motorcycle theft, before assaulting him using wooden sticks.

The victim suffered facial and body injuries and was rushed to Miri hospital.

The case is being investigated under Section 324 of the Penal Code for voluntarily causing hurt by dangerous weapons or means. -DayakDaily
