First floor of shoplot above bakery on fire in Sri Aman

Firefighters attempting to extinguish the building in Jalan Brayun with water after it caught on fire last night.

SRI AMAN, Feb 20: A maid’s alertness came to the rescue of her employer and a child after their home in a Jalan Brayun shoplot caught on fire yesterday.

Sarawak Fire and Rescue department (Bomba) operation center said they received an emergency call from the Malaysia Emergency Response Services (MERS) at 10.53pm.

“Operation commander reported that the incident occurred on the first floor of a shoplot, which destroyed 40 per cent of the structure, involving the bedroom and living room,” the department said in a statement today.


The department also stated that the witness to the incident, who is a maid, was alerted by the smell of thick smoke coming from one of the bedrooms on the first floor of the building, after which she promptly alerted her employer and they escaped unharmed together with a child.

“All three of them was able to get out safely from the building,” the statement said.

A team of 11 firefighters from Bomba Sri Aman led by PgB Nik Mohd Afiq and PPgB William Baheng were deployed to the location. —DayakDaily.
