Firefighters to the rescue, even for a cat

A firefighter is seen holding the cat after pulling it out from the vehicle's engine bay.

KUCHING, Nov 23: A feline was rescued by firefighters after being trapped inside a vehicle engine bay in Betong today.

Betong Fire and Rescue Department (Bomba) in a statement today said they received a call from a caller named Jai Tanggang, at 3.41 pm today, requesting for the special service and deployed three firefighters led by PBK II Edwin Jonanai.

ā€œOperation commander PB Mar Zakiria reported that the cat was stuck inside an engine bay of a four-wheel drive (4WD) vehicle belonging to the Betong Veterinary Department.


ā€œFirefighters then proceed to open up the bottom cover of the engine to reach for the cat, and have successfully removed it from the engine bay without any injuries, before being handed back to the owner,ā€ it said.

Big relief for the owner showing the grease covered feline, after it was rescued and put inside a cage.

The statement noted the operation took about 17 minutes and ended at 4.11 pm.

ā€œAfter ensuring that everything is safe, firefighters then returned to the station which is about one kilometre away from the location,ā€ the statement read. ā€” DayakDaily
