Fire chief: Firefighters believe in living right

Sarawak Bomba director Khirudin Drahman

SIBU, Oct 5: Sarawak Fire and Rescue Department (Bomba) director Khirudin Drahman said firefighters believe in having a purpose in life.

“Do something that is honourable and not cowardly if you are to live in peace with yourself, and for firefighters, it is fire,” he told DayakDaily when accompanying the remains of fallen hero Yahya Ali from Sibu Airport to Kampung Tian in Matu yesterday.

Khirudin added that behind every strong firefighter, there is an even stronger family who will stand and support them.

About 70 state Fire and Rescue officers paying their last respect to Yahya Ali, whose remains were flown in by army aircraft from Subang to Sibu airport.
Family members, relatives, villagers and Bomba officers reciting prayers after Yahya Ali was buried in his hometown.

On the death of Bomba’s Water Rescue Unit (PPDA) officer Yahya and five of his comrades, Khirudin described it as “devastating not just for the unit but the whole department in Malaysia”.

Yahya, 25, together with Mohd Fatah Hashim, 34, Izatul Akma Wan Ibrahim, 32, Mazlan Omarbaki, 25, Adnan Othman, 33, and Muhammad Hifdzul Malik Shaari, 25, died during a mission to locate a 17-year-old boy who fell into a mining pond in Taman Putra Perdana in Puchong on Wednesday (Oct 3).

The six divers were caught in a strong whirlpool during the operation at 9.15pm, causing all of them to spin in the water and dragged down as they were tied together in one rope.

“Knowing how risky it was to jump into the pond when there is a possibility of strong currents, they (divers) cast aside their fears in order to save lives. They put their lives on the line to protect or rescue the boy,” said Khirudin.

Kanowit fire station officer-in-charge Arrahman Chik

Meanwhile, Kanowit fire station officer-in-charge Arrahman Chik said the Bomba community had suffered a severe loss.

“We are a community where the brothers and sisters in red always work together, and that rings even truer today.

“We, firefighters and emergency responders, respond to and battle situations that many cannot imagine. We are all one family. Our thoughts and prayers go out to Yahya’s family and to the families of the other five divers who perished.” — DayakDaily
