By DayakDaily Team
KUCHING, Aug 24: The ferry service in Kuala Igan and Muara Lassa in Mukah has been extended from Aug 25 to 30 in conjunction with the Daro Festival 2024.
According to the Public Works Department (JKR) Sarawak in a statement today, the extension of services was also implemented for the 16th Igan and 17th Matu Islamic Forums held in the district.
The department advises ferry passenger to plan their journey ahead and to follow the standard operating procedures (SOPs) when boarding the ferry.

For inquiries, contact JKR Mukah at 084-872180, Kuala Igan Ferry foremen at 016-8692989 (Tiong), or Muara Lassa and Btg Paloh ferry foreman at 011-10859795 (Ngu). — DayakDaily