Federal ministry yet to make final decision on RTCs in Sarawak, Uggah says

Datuk Amar Douglas Uggah Embas

KUCHING, Aug 1: The fate of the two rural transformation centres (RTC) in Sarawak is unclear at the moment as the state government is still discussing the matter with the federal government, said Deputy Chief Minister Datuk Amar Douglas Uggah Embas.

The RTCs are in Betong and Sibuti. RTC is a smaller version of the urban transformation centre (UTC). The one in Betong, for instance, houses government agencies such as the Immigration Department and National Registration Department.

“It (Betong RTC) also provides dentistry services. Some farmers are also selling their produce there,” Uggah told DayakDaily today.


He revealed that during a recent meeting with Rural Development Minister Rina Mohd Harun, he was told by Rina that there was no more funding for some RTCs nationwide.

“It has been decided that the ministry will manage only a few RTC, while the rest should be returned to the property owners for them to manage.

“However, I appealed to the federal ministry to continue managing the RTCs in Betong and Sibuti,” said Uggah, adding that the appeal was made on July 30.

According to a Malay Mail report, Rina said only five RTCs nationwide would be retained after considering the need for RTCs. The five retained are in Melaka, Pahang, Kedah, Johor and Terengganu.

Rina was quoted as saying that the two in Sarawak would be returned to the state government. — DayakDaily
