Family gets new roof for their house

Lo (front row centre) with JKKK and Rela members standing in front of Chin's house

By Nancy Nais

KUCHING, June 20: Chin Joon Chin and his family of eight living at 11th Mile Jalan Penrissen are extremely grateful that their family home’s roofing was recently repaired through the Sarawak government’s Minor Rural Project – House Repair for the Poor programme.

“The roof of my house would leak whenever it rained. I fear that it will collapse one day,” recalled Chin when met by reporters who visited his house today.


Chin, who is in his 40s, said the wooden house was built by his late grandparents back in the early 60s.

“I’ve lived in this house since I was born. Over the years, we were not capable of repairing it, which turned into a dilapidated condition,” he said.

It was a load off his shoulders when Batu Kitang assemblyman Lo Khere Chiang reached out to improve the living conditions for him and his family.

Chin and his family were all smiles when Lo dropped by to check on the new roof.

“We are grateful to everyone who has helped us in one way or another,” he added.

Lo, who later spoke to reporters, said he used his Minor Rural Project – House Repair for the Poor programme funding to repair the roof, while Village Security and Development Committee (JKKK) and Rela Batu 10 personnel volunteered to rebuild the roof at a cost of RM15,000.

“The repair began on May 29. Because it is a ‘gotong royong’ effort, these volunteers can only do the repair on weekends. They completed it on June 9.

“Just for the ‘baik pulih rumah’ project, we have assisted 70 families since 2017. This year, we target to help at least 30 more households.

“Eventually I want everyone in my area in Batu Kitang to have a good, decent and safe house to stay,” Lo said.

Lo (left) showing Chin (in white shirt)’s new roof.

Thanking Chief Minister Datuk Patinggi Abang Johari Tun Openg for his farsightedness under Gabungan Parti Sarawak (GPS) government, Lo pointed out that the programme has truly assisted the needy throughout the state.

He explained that the aid recipients would each receive an allocation of RM15,000 to repair their house and these recipients were registered under e-Kasih and are households under the B40 group.

Lo added that the idea was mooted by Abang Johari where the programme was funded by the Sarawak government under its minor rural projects (MRP), aiming at expediting project implementation to benefit the people, especially needy households that need proper and safe houses to live in. —DayakDaily
