Deputy Premier: RM22 bln needed to address dilapidated schools, clinics throughout Sarawak

Dr Sim (centre), Lo (fourth right), Ahmad (third right), Yap (third left) and others raising their drinks for a toast at Gawai Dayak Carnival Batu Kitang.

By DayakDaily Team

KUCHING, May 26: A sum of RM22 billion is needed to address dilapidated schools and clinics throughout Sarawak, says Deputy Premier Datuk Amar Dr Sim Kui Hian.

He said that is why Sarawakians are pushing for autonomy in education and healthcare from the federal government.


“We want to educate our children in order for them to acquire the right knowledge for nation building. As for health, with the Sarawakian population getting older, medical expenses are expensive.

“Malaysia can’t afford it. That is why I told Premier Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri Abang Johari Tun Openg that Sarawak has to get its autonomy to ensure that Sarawakians will benefit from services provided by the Sarawak government,” he said when officiating at Batu Kitang Gawai Carnival at Batu Kitang Service Centre at Mile 6, here today.

On another note, Gawai Dayak Festival Batu Kitang is being held from May 16 until June 4.

There are about 90 stalls operated by various races at the carnival selling food and beverages, traditional and custom accessories, and many other products.

Also present at the event were Batu Kitang assemblyman Dato Lo Khere Chiang, Senator Dato Ahmad Ibrahim, and Kota Sentosa assemblyman Wilfred Yap Yau Sin. — DayakDaily
