Erosion of Sarawak autonomy, rights imminent if Pakatan wins state elections: PBK

PBK vice president Peter Asut

KUCHING, Jan 1: Parti Bumi Kenyalang (PBK) was fearful that Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) Sarawak could be teaming up with Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (Bersatu) to fulfill Pakatan Harapan (PH)’s agenda to ‘tawan Sarawak’ (take over Sarawak) in the coming state election which is due in 2021.

PBK vice president Peter Asut claimed that if Pakatan was able to form the next Sarawak government, many state and Native Customary Rights (NCR) land would be alienated to powerful politicians and their cronies from the peninsula.

“At the moment, there are too many disputes concerning NCR land in Sarawak being alienated or encroached into by Malayans or by companies from Peninsular Malaysia after lands been alienated to them.


“This had caused immeasurable hardships and loss to the natives in Sarawak,” he said in a press statement today.

Peter was commenting on the remarks by PKR Sarawak chairman Baru Bian, saying the party’s Sarawak chapter was willing to consider the request from Bersatu Sarawak to contest in seats under the party in the upcoming state election.

If that happened, Peter added that the peninsula-based coalition would dominate all aspects of life, economy, religion and politics in Sarawak.

“This may affect the economy, political, religious and racial harmony of the people of Sarawak.

“We have seen the culture of Malaya and it is not suitable for Sarawak. Their dominance will also deprive the business and livelihood of people of Sarawak.

“There may be likelihood that the immigration, business and employment rights of the people of Sarawak be put in jeopardy,” he stressed.

Peter thus urged PKR Sarawak chairman Baru Bian and Democratic Action Party (DAP) Sarawak chairman Chong Chieng Jen to protect Sarawak rights by not giving away to the demands of their political masters in Peninsular Malaysia.

“To solve all the problems caused by domination, colonialism and imperialism policies of Malaya, the only way out for Sarawak is to set itself free and independent from the Federation of Malaysia.

“For freedom and in quest of independence for Sarawak, it is time now for all Sarawakians to rise to the occasion in support of PBK in this mission,” he called on.

On Dec 28 at an event, however, Baru said there was no strong indication from Bersatu Sarawak on areas or seats they intended to stand in. —DayakDaily
