EMCO status in localities across Sarawak as of Oct 11

The list of localities in Sarawak where EMCO has been enforced.

KUCHING, Oct 11: Five longhouses have been placed under Enhanced Movement Control Order (EMCO) to curb the spread of Covid-19 starting Oct 10 until Oct 22.

They are Rh Lasah Mering, Sg Pesu, Tubau in Sebauh; Rh Bibi Tangkon, Sepadok in Bintulu; Rh Budum, Tubai Buah in Pakan; Rh Jawang, Bukit Seri Entaih in Julau; and Rh Empawi, Abu Bajau Atas in Saratok.

State Disaster Management Committee (SDMC) has also extended EMCO in two longhouses in Limbang namely Rh Eyai, Kampung Staie Lubai and Rh Sondai, Kampung Terimah Lubai.


The committee has also lifted EMCO in 14 localities in Lubok Antu, Betong, Saratok and Pakan. — DayakDaily

The list of localities in Sarawak which had their EMCO lifted.