EMCO status in localities across Sarawak as of Oct 1

A file photo of a stop sign placed before the entrance to an area under Enhanced Movement Control Order (EMCO).

KUCHING, Oct 1: The following is the list of 11 localities in Lubok Antu, Limbang, Julau, Meradong and Pakan that have been placed under Enhanced Movement Control Order (EMCO) to curb the spread of Covid-19.

List of areas under EMCO as of Oct 1, 2021.

State Disaster Management Committee (SDMC) has also lifted EMCO on 22 localities in Telang Usan, Betong, Saratok, Pusa, Pakan, Sarikei, Meradong, Sri Aman, Lubok Antu and Julau.— DayakDaily

EMCO lifted for 22 localities as of Oct 1, 2021.