Economic aid package is a boon for all Sarawakians

(Clockwise, from top left) Datuk William Wei, Rizam Jeman, James Apit and Brenda Yeo.

By Peter Sibon

KUCHING, Mar 24: Prominent corporate player Datuk William Wei describes Sarawak’s RM1.15 billion Economic Aid Package as a comprehensive, well-thought out and expansive stimulus package that will benefit all Sarawakians.

“The economic stimulus package announced by Chief Minister Datuk Patinggi Abang Johari Tun Openg yesterday is a manifestation of his caring thoughts for all Sarawakians regarding which sectors we are in. It brings benefit to everyone,” Wei told DayakDaily today.


He added that Sarawak’s stimulus package was even more comprehensive compared to the national stimulus package which has been unveiled several times.

“For Sarawak, it is not only for a period of two weeks of MCO but for a reasonable period of 6 months. This will ensure that business will be back to normal in as long as the Covid-19 could be contained in the shortest period of time,” he said.

Wei who is also Sarawak Housing and Real Estate Developers’ Association (Sheda) advisor opined that Sarawak economic stimulus package showed that the Gabungan Parti Sarawak government was caring towards all.

“This shows that Abang Johari is our leader, regardless of our race and religion,” added Wei.

Meanwhile, Rizam Jeman of Petrajaya, a driver for two decades said the stimulus package would be very helpful for people like him and described the Chief Minister as a father of all Sarawakians.

“In times of needs, he really thinks and cares about all of us, even those in the lower income group,” said Rizam.

For a construction site manager who hails from Bau, James Apit, said the economic aid package announced by the Chief Minister made him feel proud as a Sarawakian.

“He knows the hardship of our people in kampungs also. Surely, we will always support GPS government. This is Sarawakian Government, our government,” said James.

As for Brenda Yeo, who is a graduate in management, commented that the economic aid package was a true gift from the Sarawak government.

“These are gifts for every Sarawakians covering huge and wide spectrum of our population. These are the qualities of our real Sarawakian leaders. This shows that our government cares,” said Yeo.

Yesterday, the chief minister unveiled a RM1.15 billion ‘Economic Aid Package Sarawak Ku Sayang’ with 16 major initiatives meant to cover a period of six months from April through September, 2020 in its effort to fight the Covid-19 pandemic beyond the two-weeks of Movement Control Order (MCO).

Among the major initiativeses were subsidies for utilities’ bills, reduction of land premiums, special incentives for front liners such as the police, armed forces and other enforcement officers, nurses and doctors and the B40 group, free face masks and host of other incentives for small and medium businesses.

The chief minister had said that Sarawak has its own approach on the MCO as its impact will be beyond two-weeks.

“Because if things go back to normal, business will be back normal in two weeks’ (time). But we feel that the rakyat must be assisted after these two weeks and we take it about six months for them to be back to normal,” Abang Johari told a special press conference held at Wisma Bapa Malaysia yesterday.—DayakDaily
