Drug abuse becoming rampant among youths in Sadong Jaya


By Adrian Lim

KUCHING, July 10: The number of youths involved in drug abuse is on the rise in Sadong Jaya.

Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) Batang Sadong branch chief Piee Ling in a press statement said he had often received complaints of young people in Sadang Jaya becoming involved in drugs.


He urged the state government and local authorities to look into providing more opportunities for youths in Sadong Jaya focusing on human capital development.

“Local authorities and the state government should pay attention to this situation (youth involvement in drugs) seriously.

“They should not just concentrate on infrastructure development but at the same time focusing on human capital development as well.

“There are many human capital development programmes which can be organised through the grants provided by the state government to the elected representatives,” he said in a statement.

Lack of job opportunities in Sadong Jaya, he said, coupled with school dropouts have led to idle youths spending their leisure time hanging out in town.

As a result, some have been involved in drugs and subsequently becoming addicted.

He stated that if the problem of drug abuse among youth was not solved, it will become a social ill for the society in the future.

Currently, he stated that some have resorted to theft in order to fulfill their addiction to drugs, and that there has been an increase in cases of theft and burglary in Sadong Jaya recently.—DayakDaily
