Driver, six illegal immigrants detained at Lubok Antu

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LUBOK ANTU, June 8: Police here thwarted an attempt by a local man to smuggle in six illegal immigrants yesterday at KM2, Jalan Entugam.

Lubok Antu district police chief, DSP Victor Ripon said today that the six Indonesians which comprised five men and a woman aged between 16 and 24, had earlier sneaked into the State using a ‘jalan tikus’ (illicit trail).

Victor said the illegal immigrants were arrested while riding in a car driven by the local man at about 6am.


A police team with the assistance of two People’s Volunteer Corps (Rela) members who were then enforcing a roadblock during ‘Ops Bentang’ at KM2, Jalan Entugam, detained and inspected a car which was travelling from Batu Kaya to Lubok Antu.

“A woman was sitting in the front passenger seat while five men were in the back seat. They failed to produce any traveling documents or identity documents when requested,” Victor added.

The case is being investigated under Section 26J of the Anti-Trafficking and Anti-Smuggling of Migrants Act 2007 and the Immigration Act 1959/63.

The offence provides for imprisonment not exceeding five years and a fine of not more than RM250,000, or both, if convicted. — DayakDaily
