Dr Sim expresses concerns over asymptomatic Covid-19 cases “happily wandering around”

A file photo of people in face masks queuing to enter a market.

By Karen Bong

KUCHING, Jan 29: State Disaster Management Committee (SDMC) advisor Datuk Seri Dr Sim Kui Hian has raised serious concerns over the possibility of many people in Kuching with mild or no symptoms as potential source of spread of infections within the community setting.

He revealed in his Facebook post yesterday (Jan 28) that an estimated 40 per cent of 907 Covid-19 cases in Kuching were symptomatic as compared to the worldwide norm of 15 to 20 per cent.


“(I’m) worried that many of those in Kuching who have mild or no symptoms (which may still be infective between exposure to symptoms onset) are still happily wandering around passing the infections,” he emphasised.

A graph showing a downward trend of Covid-19 cases in Sarawak.

Dr Sim, who is also Minister for Local Government and Housing, thus urged Sarawakians to not be too complacent despite data indicating that the trend of Covid-19 cases in Sarawak was decreasing.

“(With) New clusters in Kuching and Serian (and) given the (convenience of) mobility and social networking in Kuching, Samarahan and Serian, the number (of cases) can explore (or spike) very very fast,” he warned.

As such, he urged those who have been in contact with or exposed to people who have been to high-risk areas especially Sibu as well as those with mild symptoms such as fever, sore throat, cough, or loss of smell or taste to visit the nearest health clinic immediately.

“Under Covid-19 risk assessment, those who have taken PCT tests should isolate themselves by observing home quarantine until the result is out.

“(This is to avoid) unknowingly passing the infections to your family, friends and colleagues in the event the result is positive,” he advised.

Dr Sim pointed out that Sarawak is in the containment phase of trace, test and isolate in the fight against Covid-19 compared to Peninsular Malaysia and Sabah which are in the mitigation phase where authorities are working to minimise the Covid-19’s impact on life and society. — DayakDaily
