Dr Jerip: Utilise creative ideas to train young kids in athletics

Dr Jerip (top left) addressing participants of the Kid’s Athletics Course which was held online recently.

KUCHING, Nov 3: Teachers, trainers and coaches have been urged to use creative ideas to train young kids in athletics besides allowing the budding athletes to have fun.

Sarawak Athletic Association (SAA) president Datuk Dr Jerip Susil said improvisation and creativity will enable them to train kids they are teaching or coaching.

“A simple thing like using a small coconut for training kids in doing shot putt is genius.


“Kids will have fun and enjoy the developed activities, not realising that you are building them physically.

“The creative ideas developed by the teachers, trainers or coaches will surely enhance the whole experience for the kids, and the kids will remember you for that,” he said in his speech during the closing ceremony of Kid’s Athletics Course organised by SAA held virtually on Oct 31.

Dr Jerip who is also Assistant Transport Minister said the government will try to provide schools with good sports equipment as much as possible.

He added the government is also doing its best to ensure Sarawak is on par with the rest of the country and the world although sport development is a challenge for Sabah, Sarawak and Labuan.

Dr Jerip (left) addressing some of the participants of the Kid’s Athletics Course during a closing ceremony held online recently.

Dr Jerip said the State government wants to continually develop the performance of athletes, specifically in track and field events so Sarawak can continue producing good athletes.

As such, he called on teachers, trainers and coaches to stay motivated and not to give up.

Adding on, Dr Jerip urged teachers, trainers and coaches to identify the athletic potential in kids from young and start training them now and get them to participate in sports championships at primary and secondary school levels.

He also said allowing kids to participate in sports will develop their soft skills apart from academic achievements.

“Hopefully, we can develop holistic individuals who will be productive members of the community in the future.

“As they mature, I genuinely hope that young athletes can be motivated at the grassroots level and continue to be interested in sports, especially athletics,” he added.

A total of 60 people attended the online course.

Malaysian Athletics Federation vice-president Josephine Kang, SAA second vice-president Lim Tze Yaw, Labuan Athletic Association president Lee Kiat Khim, Sabah Sports Development assistant director Alissa Alha and SAA secretary Leong Beng Keong were among those attended the closing ceremony. — DayakDaily
