DOPPA: Provide SOP for smallholders in longhouses under lockdown

Incham Serdin

KUCHING, Feb 1: Dayak Oil Palm Planters Association (DOPPA) has urged the authorities to introduce a standard operating procedure (SOP) for smallholders in longhouses under lockdown to enable them to harvest and sell their oil palm fruits.

DOPPA secretary Incham Serdin said it was vital to provide the SOP so that the income of oil palm famers will not be adversely affected by the pandemic.

“While the government has allowed agricultural activities to continue unabated since the first MCO last year, unfortunately in certain areas, the main road leading to longhouses are blocked with logs, preventing incoming and outgoing traffic to the longhouses. Hence farmers could not sell their fruits.


“Typically smallholders harvest their fruits twice a month, and with the extension of the RMCO to Feb 14, 2021, smallholders in the affected areas lost their income,” Incham told DayakDaiy here today.

He reiterated that DOPPA is all for the safety and health well-being of all Sarawakians.

“However we cannot allow the pandemic to continue and prolong our pains. Thus, a clear guideline must be put in place to enable both health safety and livelihood be protected,” said Incham. — DayakDaily
