Don’t sneak out using ‘jalan tikus’, Tiong tells Sg Plan residents after 21 more Covid-19 cases detected

Tiong urges Sungai Plan residents not to sneak out as 21 more Covid-19 cases were identified after the 3-day lockdown order.

BINTULU, May 26: Do not try to sneak out using “jalan tikus” (illegal routes), Bintulu MP Dato Seri Tiong King Sing advised Sungai Plan residents as another 21 Covid-19 positive cases, with all of them asymptomatic, were detected in Tanjung Kidurong here after three days of lockdown.

Of the figure, 14 cases were from the flats and seven were from the housing lots in the area, following a mass active case detection (ACD) operation where 5,559 samples were collected.

Sungai Plan has been put under lockdown from May 22 until June 3 after 171 Covid-19 cases and one death were reported in the area between May 1 to 20.


As such, Tiong advised some 13,000 residents in the housing area not to try to sneak out using illegal routes as authorities are working hard to pick up any potential cases hidden in the community in order to prevent and stop further spread of infections.

“We are not trying to catch anyone (but) we are doing our best to identify cases hidden in the community and to address the issues involved. We hope all residents will cooperate and not be afraid,” he said in a statement today.

Tiong, who is also the Prime Minister’s Special Envoy to China, once again called on the residents irrespective of race or religion to undergo Covid-19 screening because those without symptoms can still spread the virus and could lead to widespread infections in the community.

“More importantly, they also need to be treated and isolated. Lives will be protected from early detection and treatment. We hope all residents in Sungai Plan will understand and be considerate with the Enhanced Movement Control Order (EMCO) imposed by the authorities,” he added.

Tiong also urged employers to be understanding and to take precautionary measures involving their employees.

“Those who have been infected and asymptomatic could be those living in our neighbourhoods.

“If they are not identified, isolated and treated, there is a high risk of them infecting others. We have no way to know if they are left to go out and about in the community.

“This will become a hidden crisis, like a bomb waiting to explode any time,” he warned. — DayakDaily
