Don’t ‘pilih kasih’ when selecting athletes for Sukma 2024, minister tells sports associations, coaches

Dato Sri Abdul Karim Rahman Hamzah (file pic)

KUCHING, Feb 20: With the Malaysian Games (Sukma) 2024 approaching, Sarawak’s sports associations and coaches have been reminded not to ‘pilih kasih’ (practise favouritism) in the selection of their athletes.

Minister of Youth, Sports, and Entrepreneur Development Sarawak Dato Sri Abdul Karim Rahman Hamzah said the athlete selection process to represent Sarawak should be based solely on their ability to compete.

“The selection of athletes should be transparent and whether they can make a name for themselves in the event.


“If the athlete is good, then he or she is eligible to represent Sarawak in the upcoming Sukma,” he said at the Road to Sukma 2024 programme at Borneo Cultures Museum yesterday (Feb 19), as reported by Sarawak Public Communications Unit (Ukas).

Abdul Karim, who is also the Minister of Tourism, Creative Industry, and Performing Arts Sarawak, said Sarawak has less than 180 days left to prepare its athletes and sports facilities to host Sukma. — DayakDaily
