Dogs run helter-skelter as shelter hit by record flood nearly reaching roof level

A screenshot of the video showing the floodwaters nearly reaching the roof of the shelters at SSPCA this morning (March 18, 2023).

By Karen Bong

KUCHING, March 18: Dogs ran helter-skelter as the Sarawak Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SSPCA) shelter at Kota Sentosa here was hit by 4.5 to 5 feet of floodwaters that nearly reached the roofs, which were the highest ever recorded, following heavy downpours and thunderstorms this morning.

SSPCA president Datin Donna Drury-Wee said that most of the dogs have safely returned to the shelter as floodwaters have receded.


“Most of them are already back in the shelter. They know where the foods are. I will back the team up with dog-catching nets, as some are still wandering outside the facility,” she told DayakDaily when contacted today.

In a short video clip that went viral on social media, workers were seen to have opened the gate to release the bigger dogs from the facility to be moved to higher ground for their safety.

Otherwise, they could have drowned as floodwaters nearly reached the shelter’s roof on the lower ground, thus making them prone to flooding.

Smaller dogs were seen in cages, and workers relocated them to the road divider yet to be inundated with water.

Some food supplies got wet and were scattered on the ground after falling off shelves.

With many appliances damaged while food supply was scattered on the ground after falling off the shelves, Donna welcomed all the help they could get to assist with the massive cleaning up to be done.

“We hope more volunteers can come down tomorrow to help as things are still quite disorganised. We are doing the clearing now as well.

“We also called on the public to send in donations in cash and in-kind to enable us to care for the animals,” she said.

On the construction of the new two-acre animal village that was proposed about three years ago, Donna said SSPCA had been given consent from Deputy Premier Dato Sri Dr Sim Kui Hian to commence with the early foundational works of the new facility at Sungai Tapang, which is also within Kota Sentosa area.

“The drawing plan is still not approved as it was delayed due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

“But we agreed to build as per the drawing submitted,” she explained, adding that SSPCA will also require public donations to help build the new shelter quickly.

According to the proposed plan, the animal village will serve as a shelter for stray dogs and cats and will be equipped with a health centre, boarding facilities, a cafe and a pet grooming centre when completed.

Those who wish to donate may do so via SSPCA’s bank account (8005274525, CIMB Bank). — DayakDaily
