`Do your job first before you tell others how to do theirs’

Michael Tiang

KUCHING, Jan 26: Sarawak United Peoples’ Party (SUPP) Youth has told Bandar Kuching MP Dr Kelvin Yii not to point fingers when Pakatan Harapan (PH) fails to make good many of its promises.

Its chief, Michael Tiang, said Dr Yii had yet to earn the rights to criticise.

“Without delivering his election promises, Bandar Kuching MP Dr Kelvin Yii has earned no rights to criticise others, that includes the Sarawak government,” said Tiang, who is also a political secretary for the Chief Minister.


He was responding to Dr Yii’s statement yesterday, where he criticised the state government for its slow decision to implement the smoking ban at all eateries in the state.

“I would like to remind Bandar Kuching MP that he promised Sarawakians in his election campaign video in the last general election that if Pakatan Harapan is to become the new government, there will be no more talks and negotiations but a done deal for Sarawak to get back its 20 per cent oil royalty and 50 per cent of all taxes collected from Sarawak.

“Now, where are our 20 per cent oil royalty and 50 per cent tax collected from us today? Where are the education and public health autonomy he promised last May?

“If our Bandar Kuching MP is so sensitive about fast delivery by the governing bodies, he and his Sarawakian colleagues in Pakatan Harapan (PH) are the ones who have failed miserably.

“Do your jobs first before you tell others how to do theirs!” said Tiang said in a press statement today.

He said DAP representatives in Sarawak had been channelling their energies in criticising the state government instead of seeking more federal funds to help the state.

“With all the criticisms made by DAP Sarawak elected representatives against the Sarawak government’s cautious steps in implementing the federal law to ban smoking ban at eateries, none of them actually care to make efforts to seek more federal resources to help our local government to implement the smoking ban more efficiently and effectively.

“DAP Sarawak MPs have failed again to represent Sarawak in the PH government to help our local government. Why are they talking so loud in Sarawak but continue to keep mum about Sarawak local government needs in the federal government?”

Tiang pointed out that in order to enforce a new federal law, like the smoking ban at all eateries effectively, the local government needed more resources and guidelines from the federal government for their local enforcement teams.

“Moreover, there is nothing wrong for the Sarawak government to implement the smoking ban by first focusing on educational elements in its enforcement in the first 6 months from March 1 (2019).

“This shows our Sarawak government is willing to think through and go an extra mile to educate the public than just bluntly enforces the new ban as the federal government says so.

“Lastly, I would like to remind Dr Yii and all Sarawak PH MPs that Sarawak people did not vote them in to become federal agents to tell Sarawak what to do.

“They were elected by the people of Sarawak last May because our people were made to believe that the Sarawak PH MPs will fulfil all their election promises they had pledged to Sarawakians.” — DayakDaily
