Disillusionment sets in as PKR Stampin members leave party

Parti Keadilan Rakyat logo.

KUCHING, May 16: Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) Stampin branch committee has announced their resignation from PKR Sarawak with immediate effect.

PKR Stampin branch in a press statement today said the committee members of the branch are leaving due to the “lofty” ambitions of the party remaining unfulfilled.

It also stated that recent events revealed that the party leadership was only focused on its president Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim’s personal ambitions to be prime minister.


Thus, the committee believed that its branch members from Sarawak were not keen to participate in the party president’s personal agenda.

“Sarawak’s autonomy under the Malaysia Agreement 1963 (MA63) within the party were never taken seriously, as party matters continued to be decided from West Malaysia.

“Further, there is no more room for having alternative views in the party.

“Throughout the country, members are being terminated for having dissenting opinions, It is the party’s way of telling us it the ‘President’s way or the Highway’.

“To them, justice is merely a slogan to fish for votes,” it said in a statement.

The committee explained that the termination of Batu Lintang assemblyman See Chee How, who was the former PKR Stampin branch chief was the last straw.

As for the next step, the committee said it will continue to support See and Ba Kelalan assemblyman Baru Bian who is former PKR Sarawak chairman.

The committee believed their principles, mettle, leadership had been unwavering throughout and inspired its members.

At the same time, the committee members assured their support that their resignation was not a decision they came to lightly, but made after long, hard conversations with friends and family.

Meanwhile, the resignation of PKR Stampin branch committee members has confirmed the prediction by PKR Sarawak chairman Larry Sng.

Sng foresees resignations of several PKR Sarawak grassroots leaders

Sng in a posting on his Facebook page yesterday said he foresees several grassroot leaders in several parliamentary seats or branches leaving the party.

Those include the ones from Stampin, Bandar Kuching, Mas Gading, Petra Jaya, Kanowit, Lanang, Lubok Antu and Bintulu. DayakDaily
