Disgruntled luxury car owner fined RM1,200 for slapping sales manager

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By Dorcas Ting

KUCHING, Oct 24: The Magistrate’s Court here sentenced a man to a fine of RM1,200 for slapping a sales manager because the former was unsatisfied that the luxury car which he had purchased was always breaking down.

Tan Hern Hua, 36, pleaded guilty to the charge framed under Section 323 of the Penal Code before Magistrate Zubaidah Sharkawi.


The magistrate convicted him as charged and sentenced him to a fine of RM1,200 or in default to a month’s imprisonment.

Section 323 of the Penal Code provides for a jail term of up to a year or with fine up to RM2,000, or both, upon conviction.

The accused was charged with voluntarily causing hurt to a 41-year-old man by slapping his left cheek, near a luxury car distribution centre at Jalan Tun Jugah, at about 1.15pm on October 15.

According to the brief facts of the case, on the day of incident, the accused went to the premises and scolded the victim because the victim did not answer his call.

Subsequently, the accused slapped the victim and pushed his head.

The cause of the incident was because the accused was unsatisfied with the service that the centre provided and the car that the accused bought from the centre always broke down and the mechanic failed to solve the problem after several attempts.

Inspector Nur Syafiqa Nyaie Ilin prosecuted while the accused was unrepresented by counsel. — DayakDaily
