Different kind of unity amidst festive feasting: Tiong also not immune to Aidilfitri weight gain

Tiong (right) scoops curry onto his plate during one of his Aidilfitri visits in Sibu yesterday (April 14, 2024). Photo credit: Dato Sri Tiong King Sing/Facebook

By DayakDaily Team

KUCHING, April 15: Federal Minister of Tourism, Arts, and Culture (Motac), Dato Seri Tiong King Sing, has made a humorous remark about his personal experience going door-to-door during Hari Raya Aidilfitri, shedding light on a common problem that many people face after a festive season: gaining weight.

Tiong highlighted that he gained a few extra kilogrammes during the festive period.


“During this Aidilfitri festival season, my weight increased by 2–3kg!” he wrote in a Facebook post yesterday (April 14).

Yet, his spirits remained high as he concluded his Aidilfitri visits to Kampung Usahajaya Baru and Kampung Banyok in Sibu yesterday.

“While the majority of these two villages consist of Muslim residents, there is also a small number of Chinese and Iban residents,” he said.

Reflecting on the diverse composition of the villages, Tiong, who also serves as Dudong assemblyman and Bintulu MP, highlighted the unity and harmony exhibited during the Aidilfitri celebrations, underscoring Sarawak’s exemplary model of multicultural coexistence.

The minister’s Facebook post has currently received 452 likes, 14 comments, and 11 shares.

A netizen wrote: “Musim perayaan Aidilfitri tambah 2–3kg, Musim Tahun Baru Cina tambah 3–4kg, Musim Deepavali tambah lagi 1–2kg, tahun-tahun bertambah 7–8kg (Aidilfitri season adds 2–3kg, Chinese New Year season adds 3–4kg, Deepavali season adds another 1–2kg, each year adds 7–8kg).”

Another user commented: “You are the man, Dato Sri. This is called tourism.” — DayakDaily
