Deputy minister: Sarawak must improve agricultural practices to meet overseas demand

Dr Abdul Rahman speaks to reporters at the event.

By Nur Ashikin Louis

KUCHING, May 14: Sarawak has a vast landmass suitable for agricultural activities, but it can still not cater to overseas demand in terms of quality and quantity.

Deputy Minister for Modernisation of Agriculture and Regional Development, Datuk Dr Abdul Rahman Ismail, said Sarawak’s agricultural products must come in large quantities before it is exported to other countries.


“At the moment, farmers are planting on a small scale and are scattered, so we want to identify an area, for example in Mukah, which is suitable for planting pineapple, coconut and honey lemon.

“For the interior, we can plant durians. Apart from the Musang King durian, we can also promote our local durians, which are no less delicious,” he told reporters when met at a Hari Raya Aidilfitri open house at Grand Margherita Hotel today.

He said the government has planned to set aside more land to cultivate the potential crops. The cultivation will be done on a large scale to meet overseas demand.

He added that the government would also invite big companies to become anchor companies that can guide the State in terms of marketing.

He also mentioned that the ministry had identified several companies for such collaboration. The government is eyeing more companies from Peninsular Malaysia which have the expertise to complement the agricultural transformation project. — DayakDaily
