Dennis urges constituents to remain united under GPS

Dennis (front row, fourth left) in a photo call with guests during his Christmas open house.

By Brad Rantayy

MIRI, Dec 28: Telang Usan assemblyman Dennis Ngau urged his constituents to remain united and give their undivided support to the Sarawak government as they continue to bring development into the areas and Sarawak as a whole.

“I want people in Telang Usan to be in the government’s development radar, hence, we must stand united regardless of our differences,” he told reporters during his Christmas open house in Senadin here today.


He called on Telang Usan folks to enhance rapport with the state government as they are the people who would render or bring development into their areas.

“Practically we have no other choice but to remain united within the Gabungan Parti Sarawak (GPS) radar,” he added.

When asked whether he will stand in Telang Usan seat for the upcoming state election, Dennis said he leaves it to the party leadership to decide.

In 2016 election, Dennis won the seat for the second term against Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) Baram chief Roland Engan with majority of 845 votes.

Dennis garnered a total 3,231 votes to win the seat against Roland (3,064 votes).— DayakDaily
