D’Drift Team ready for Buda Caves adventure (Travelogue Day 7)

(From left) Hosli, Larry and Bell will be guiding the D'Drift Team to explore the Buda Caves today.

By D’Drift Team

LIMBANG, July 5: After a good night rest allowing some strength recovery, the D’Drift Team is about to set off for the most exciting exploration and adventure to the Buda Caves, which is yet to be opened for tourists.

Our park guide Larry Siga, who is a qualified ‘Gold Badge’ guide in Sarawak, has picked us up from the hotel today. Two officers from Sarawak Forestry Corporation Bell@ Isobeth Bana and Hosli Singa are also accompanying us for this trip.


In a briefing, Larry shared that the journey to the cave will take about three hours using four-wheel-drive vehicle travelling a distance of some 90km to Sg Assam trekking starting point.

The D’Drift Team heading off to Buda Caves today in the first part of the journey to the Sg Assam trekking starting point.

The Kampung Kuala Medalam homestay, which is one of those registered under the Sarawak Homestay with the Ministry of Tourism and Culture (Motac), is along the way.

From the starting point, we will proceed to trek for about 6km on an easy flat walk that will take about one and a half hour to the base camp.

Then, it will take another one hour walk to the lower level turtle cave entrance where we will explore the cave using kayak.

We will make our way back to base camp at nightfall and spend the night camping in the jungle with hammocks.

The next day, we are expected to start our day as early as 7am to trek down and stop by to see a couple more attractions along the way.

Having recovered some strength as we retired to bed early last night, we hope it will make it easier to deal with the unexpected activities and challenges ahead today. –DayakDaily

Driving through gravel road as part of the route to the starting trekking point.

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