Dayak the ‘kingmakers’ of Sarawak future — MoCS

(From left) Siah, forum moderator Edmund Lee, Voon and Lo at the forum.

KUCHING, Jan 11: The Dayaks can be the decision makers and potentially, the decider to the outcome of the next Sarawak election due 2021.

The Movement of Change, Sarawak (MoCS) chairman Francis Paul Siah said the state’s majority Dayak population has the number to determine the future direction of the next state government that will be in power.

“The majority of the Chinese in Sarawak are ready for independence, correct or not, agree or not? Most of the Malays in Sarawak prefer to stay in Malaysia.


“The Dayaks in Sarawak, you are the majority, what is your stand? So, the Dayaks, you are still the decision maker (for the 12th state election),” he said at a forum titled “Independence: The Final Destination” at DBNA hall here today.

Siah added that to become the determining factor in the direction of the next Sarawak government, Dayaks must be knowledgeable and be aware of the route, the mission to seek independence from the federal government.

He appealed to the Dayaks to make their decision wisely in the upcoming state election.

“When will we be able to ‘wake up’? I have seen Dayak in so many political parties and why are the Dayaks split into so many political parties and be in disarray?” he said.

Meanwhile, concurring with Siah’s view is Parti Bumi Kenyalang president Voon Lee Shan, who believed that the Dayaks will be the decider of the outcome of the next state election.

“You Dayak people must understand we have 40 per cent Dayak people,” he said.

Touching on Parti Solidariti Tanah Airku (Sabah Star) president Datuk Dr Jeffrey Kitingan, who is also one of the forum’s speaker but could not attend the event after being denied entry by Sarawak Immigration on Friday, Voon expressed dissatisfaction over the whole ordeal.

He said the state government should not have banned Jeffrey, who posed no threat to Sarawak security.

Voon claimed that many Sarawakians are eyeing for independence. In this regards, he urged the younger generations to be involved in politics and make their voices heard.

He also advised the younger generations to make a wise decision in the coming state election.

Batu Kitang assemblyman Lo Khere Chiang and Batu Lintang assemblyman See Chee How were among those present. — DayakDaily
