DAP Padungan rep King Wei resigns from party

Wong at a press conference in Kuching today (July 17, 2019).

KUCHING, July 26:  Padungan assemblyman Wong King Wei refuses to be renominated as Democratic Action Party (DAP) Padungan candidate and announces his resignations from the party.

In a press statement today, Wong expressed he had to announce his resignation now as the Sarawak election is around the corner.

“I choose to announce my decision at this point of time because I was elected as ADUN of Padungan under the ticket of DAP, therefore I have to serve as DAP state assemblyman throughout the whole term.


“This is a gesture of loyalty to all my beloved votes.  Moreover, next Sarawak State Election is just around the corner, this announcement to me is timely to allow time for DAP to make necessary preparations consequential to the vacancy left by me,” said Wong in a press statement today.

He expressed his disappointment over DAP’s refusal to listen to any dissenting voice and lack of inclusivity in opinion and view points.

“It is a wrenching pain when I think of DAP.  I am of the view that the party has lost the greatest opportunity when ruling the country at federal level, to have our ideas and dreams realised into actions.

“During the 22-month rule under Pakatan Harapan (PH), what we said in front of the people and what we promised the people seemed to have gone down the drain. 

“If we were to get back to where we started, with integrity and sincerity, it seems to me that the DAP has a lot to explain to our voters,” said Wong.

He also believed that politics is not all about launching attacks against each other.

“When the DAP was the opposition, we did that a lot; when the DAP became part of the ruling coalition, we still did what we used to do.  The politics of Sarawak is in need of some positivity in order to see the State of Sarawak moving forward,” said Wong.

Citing the recent incident where special assistant to DAP Sarawak Chong Chieng Jen issued statement to “personally attack” Sarawak Federation of Chinese Associations president Dato Richard Wee, Wong held the view that it was a case of point where DAP Sarawak could not even allow others to express their personal views.

“It has gone overboard to claim that Dato Richard Wee had to depend on politics to succeed in doing business, especially when we all can see his services and contributions to the community.

“Michael Kong’s recent personal attacks against Dato Richard Wee is entirely uncalled for and it serves no justice to do this to a community leader whom people look up to.

“I am growing sick and tired of such political means to seek survival.  I am further disillusioned with the direction and the way the party have been managed which has totally deviated from the aims, objectives and struggle in the earlier days when I first joint the party back in year 2006.”

Wong expressed regrets having to leave DAP.

“It is just that I no longer think that I belong to DAP.  I regret that I have to leave the Rocket, a home that I was a part of for 15 good years,” said Wong.— DayakDaily
