DAP Kuching calls for relaxation of land lease renewal policies, withholding of e-invoicing implementation

Chong (centre) and Pending assemblywoman Violet Yong during DAP Sarawak AGM on April 30, 2024.

By DayakDaily Team

KUCHING, May 2: Democratic Action Party (DAP) Kuching has called upon the State government to relax the land lease renewal policies and not to impose unnecessary conditions, making it difficult for landowners to renew their land leases.

This is among the 10 resolutions reached during its annual general meeting (AGM) held at the DAP headquarters on April 30, 2024.


The AGM also agreed that the Federal government should withhold the implementation of e-invoicing policy on small micro businesses and hawkers lest these businesses be unnecessarily burdened with additional costs and expenses.

DAP Kuching also urged the Sarawak government to take the petrol bomb incident at one of the KK Mart outlets in Kuching seriously and to look into the possibility of extremism taking its form and spreading in Sarawak.

The fourth resolution called for the Minister of Local Government to expedite the resolution of flash floods in Kuching city, instead of finding excuses and further aggravating the problem while the fifth, for the Federal government to take serious action against drug abuse in Sarawak, calling on local governments to collaborate with the police to enforce strict compliance at night spots and entertainment outlets within the jurisdiction of the respective councils.

It was also decided in the AGM that the Federal government should promptly address the issue of online scams to ensure the safety of the peopleā€™s money in banks and to ensure that banks take responsibility for such scams.

The party also called upon the Sarawak government to emulate the reforms of Federal Parliament by appointing an Opposition legislator as the chairman of the Sarawak Dewan Undangan Negeriā€™s Public Accounts Committee Chairman.

The AGM also called upon the Sarawak government to achieve a more racially balanced state civil service proportionate to the racial composition of Sarawak, while the final resolution was to urge the Sarawak government to utilise the State’s sizeable revenue to help ease the cost of living of all Sarawakians. ā€” DayakDaily
