DAP has lost all credibility, says Sim

Datuk Sim Kiang Chiok

KUCHING, July 28: Padungan assemblyman Wong King Wei’s sudden resignation confirms that Democratic Action Party (DAP) has lost all its credibility, reliability and trustworthiness.

Sarawak United Peoples’ Party (SUPP) Stakan chief Sim Kiang Chiok pointed out that Wong must have an axe to grind with the party in expressing his disappointment with and criticising DAP for failing to keep promises when they had the opportunity ruling the country at the federal level.

“For Padungan YB to come out and say that DAP has failed to keep their promises when they ruled the federal government for 22 months confirmed to us that DAP is not serious in looking after the people’s interests.


“It also confirmed that DAP is a party that would compromise their supporters’ trust when they supported Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad as their prime minister who has suppressed most of their supporters’ rights under Pakatan Harapan (PH) rule,” he said in a statement today.

Moreover, Sim emphasised that DAP’s personal attack and smearing techniques were not something strange to SUPP which he admitted to have experienced when he stood against Wong in 2011.

“What is important now is that with his (Wong) resignation, I hope their (DAP) politics will be honourable from now on.

“But somehow I doubt it very much as it is very ingrained in their culture. Their personal attack, ‘hate and fear’ technique, is very much alive and much used until today,” he added.

Sim also stressed that DAP had lost all its credibility when they failed to keep or deliver their promises of 20 per cent oil and gas royalty, return of 50 per cent of tax collected from Sarawak, allocating 30 per cent of federal government budget for Sarawak, Unified Examination Certificate (UEC) recognition and many others.

“He (Wong) would have a very difficult time if he were to face his electorate again.

“It is said that he is ending his service by the end of the present State Legislative Assembly (DUN) term. I am sure he would have retreated from politics on a much happier note rather than resigning from the DAP and turned down his renomination,” he said.

Sim also hopes that Wong will keep to his plan not to join any other political party or stand in any election in the near future.

“I wish him well, he (Wong) has set an honourable and great example to his party members and I hope more will follow in his footsteps,” he added. —DayakDaily
