DAP expects at least 3-cornered fight for Lanang

From left: Lau and Ling showing their purchased nomination forms.

By William Isau

SIBU,Oct 26: Incumbents for Lanang and Sibu seats, Alice Lau and Oscar Ling respectively today bought two sets of 15th General Election (GE15) nomination forms each at the Sibu Municipal Council (SMC) office.

Lau and Ling will be contesting as Pakatan Harapan (PH)-Democratic Action Party (DAP) candidates.


Minutes earlier, Wong Hie Ping of Parti Sarawak Bersatu (PSB) exited from the same office, holding a nomination form, possibly for her party president, Dato Sri Wong Soon Koh who will be contesting for the Sibu seat

Speaking to reporters later, Lau who will be a three-term MP if re-elected hit back at Sarawak United Peoples’ Party (SUPP) Dudong chief Wong Ching Yong who recently questioned her and Ling’s commitment as MPs.

Ching Yong chided the duo for not doing enough during their terms of office and especially during the 22 months of Pakatan Harapan federal government rule to solve the bumpy condition of the airport road, lack of parking space at Sibu Hospital and poor Internet connectivity in rural areas.

“Of course he (Ching Yong) will point fingers. That is for sure. If he doesn’t that would be very awkward,” said Lau, 41.

According to her, Ching Yong can come to Lau and Ling’s respective service centres where they are ready to provide him with data on what they had done.

“He should learn how to read our Hansard recorded in Parliament. These few years we have also sent letters to the relevant ministries (on our request for development fund). We have also used our allocation to help the people. If he wants to know, he can come to our office and we will have all our records for him.

“I don’t think he can just point fingers like that without any data (to show),” she said.

Ling, 45, added that he had in 2019 created 125 parking spaces behind the hospital canteen with funds from his federal allocation.

“There is another one (project) coming up under Phase 2 involving an allocation of RM500,000. I try my best to solve this parking space issue as it falls in my area,” he said.

Meanwhile Lau said she expected at least a three-cornered fight for the Lanang seat.

“I think more than 3-cornered fight consisting of GPS (Gabungan Parti Sarawak), PBK (Parti Bumi Kenyalang) and PH (Pakatan Harapan). Yesterday a Kapitan came out saying that he will be contesting as an independent candidate. I think he (Kapitan) might pull out,” she said.

As for the Sibu seat, it will most likely be a three-cornered fight involving GPS-SUPP, Parti Sarawak Bersatu (PSB) and PH-DAP. ā€” DayakDaily
