DAP disappointed at CM’s name-calling


KUCHING, Dec 28: State DAP chairman Chong Chieng Jen is disappointed that Chief Minister Datuk Patinggi Abang Johari Tun Openg has resorted to ‘name-calling’ in defending the latter’s ambitious Light Rail Transit (LRT) plan.
“Without addressing or answering the legitimate questions posed by me on the LRT, he resorted to low standard name-calling and ridiculed me,” Chong told reporters.
Referring to a news report of Abang Johari’s response, Chong said that he didn’t expect the Chief Minister to use such derogatory words on anyone.
Abang Johari had reportedy said, “(It is) ‘paloi’ (stupid) of DAP for saying ‘no’ to the LRT. We have a new business model to implement the plan. We have our own way to develop our state.”
Chong, nevertheless, stressed that it is the interest of every Sarawakian to know the details of the planned LRT as it involved a huge sum and may bankrupt Sarawak of its RM28 billion in reserves.
He said that the example of the railway track in the White Rajahs’ time cited by Abang Johari was a lousy example to try to sidetrack from the former’s questions.
Urging Abang Johari to act accordingly as his responsibility as the CM, Chong reiterated the same questions, which seeks answers to the estimated cost of the whole LRT project and the estimated cost of the operation and maintenance when the LRT is up and running.
Chong also asked about the projected fare per kilometre charged to commuters and the estimated ridership, which should be available before any government project is to be carried out.
“I am not saying to shelve the LRT project, but all reasonable people find it illogical and (not fiscally responsible) for such LRT project,” he said.
Unless Abang Johari could justify the plan, Chong said all taxpayers and Sarawakians have the right to demand for explanations.
Chong reiterated that it would be more logical to build a railway line as it could carry passengers and cargo, which is more suitable for Sarawak’s economy, and could save money on maintaining roads as well as reduce road accidents. — DayakDaily
